Saturday, January 7, 2012

Jewish Genealogy Research | Learn |

Jewish Genealogy Research | Learn |
This link has incredible sources for search your Jewish Genealogy.
If you want to see unique data bases that are not mentioned in many places to is the sight.
  • Columbus took Jews with him in hopes they could translate Oriental languages.
  • Jewish births are sometimes listed in local church records.
  • Emma Lazarus, daughter of Sephardic Jews, wrote the famous poem inscribed on the Statue of Liberty, "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses..."
  • Jews are the oldest group with their national identity and cultural heritage intact.
  • Celebrities with Jewish mothers: Geraldo Rivera, Fiorello Laguardia, Winston Churchill, Cary Grant, David Bowie, Robert DeNiro, Harrison Ford.[1]
  •  Joseph Aaron, "Fun Jewish Facts" in Jewish News Online at 15 August 2009).
  • All this is found at

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